The goal of this PhD project is to develop a comprehensive toolbox for quantum imaging that addresses key challenges in performance and integration into practical, functional systems. This toolbox will include components, software, and methodologies designed to enable the development of quantum-enhanced imaging systems. Our goal is to create noise-robust, high-resolution quantum imaging systems capable of detecting mid-infrared wavelengths using silicon sensors. To achieve this, we will leverage quantum entanglement, induced coherence via nonlinear interferometry, advanced single-photon-sensitive cameras, and develop novel computational algorithms.
Current nonlinear and direct up-conversion imaging systems are restricted to low spatial resolutions and a restricted field of view. These limitations arise from fundamental constraints, including the limited numerical apertures and phase matching conditions of the non-linear crystals used for quantum light generation. This project aims to overcome these issues by employing structured light modes—both spatial and temporal—leading to significant improvements in imaging quality. Spatially structured light modes, when combined with computational imaging, are already widely used in conventional microscopy to achieve significant advancements in certain imaging techniques. Our goal is to develop and then apply these techniques to nonlinear microscopy to achieve similar benefits.